Why Do We Need Testosterone

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Why Do We Need Testosterone

The Effects Of Testosterone

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone, found in both men, and to a lesser degree women.. It is an androgen and is largely responsible in both sexes for our sex drive and moods.7838868604_b2ef5cbef9_n

It has most effect in men, it controls many functions and processes including hair distribution and growth.

It also gives the man his deeper voice, controls fat build up and more importantly( for most) it is responsible for muscle mass, sex drive and the general development and function of our sexual organs.

It is an anabolic hormone which means it can help promote strong muscle growth and strength.

It also has systemic anabolic affects and helps to regulate certain compounds in our body including sodium, chloride and potassium. It effects calcium levels and can help to guard against conditions such as Osteoporosis.

testosterone_decline.gifAge And Testosterone Levels

Age has a direct effect on the amount of T being produced naturally, during puberty for instance its at its highest and aids the development of our sexual organs and muscle growth. As we age and the levels start to deplete, we often see a reduction in our muscle tone, size and strength along with a diminshed sex drive. Reduced T levels can also affect our moods and our sleep patterns..

Testosterone Supplements

With many countries now outlawing the use of actual human testosterone in treatments, many athletes and body builders now use natural T boosting supplements to safely encourage the body to produce more of its own hormone.

When taken regularly alongside regular workouts, a noticeable increase in muscle mass, sex drive and general energy levels are commonplace.


Its Not Just Body Builders Who Benefit From Testosterone Supplements, Any Man Who Takes A Good T boosting Supplement Can Benefit From

  • Improved Muscle Mass,Tone And Strength
  • Increased Energy
  • Better Moods And Sleep Quality
  • Enhanced Sex Drive

We have reviewed many of the most popular natural T boosters and from our research have compiled a list of what we feel to be the top 3 products currently available to buy

Top Three Testosterone Boosters

Highest Rated Testosterone Booster Of The Year
Testogen (Rated 5/5)

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The information in this website is for advice and guidance only. It is based on our own intensive research and personal experiences, and is not intended to replace professional medical advice, or to diagnose or treat any health conditions. All rights reserved.